In the coming period, Greece awaits the approval of the disbursement of the 5th tranche of 3.1 billion euros, while it plans to submit two more requests in 2025.
The network of reforms and investments, especially those related to the Recovery Fund, is expected to be at the center of the contacts that high-ranking EU officials will have in Athens around the middle of the month. The main goal is the approval of the next tranche but also the completion of the National Recovery Plan “Greece 2.0” on time, and this is because as time passes and the projects mature, the degree of difficulty increases. And this is linked not only to the institutionalization of reforms and the awarding of tenders but also to the completion of all projects included in the National Recovery Plan.
Greece still has 206 milestones and targets to meet in order to fully utilize the resources it has secured from the Recovery Fund, totaling 36 billion euros. More specifically, approval is expected by April for the disbursement of the 5th tranche, amounting to 3.1 billion euros, from 3.6 billion euros that was initially due as the target for “conventionalization” of loans, amounting to 8.25 billion euros, had not been met.
At the end of April or the beginning of May, the submission of the request for the 6th tranche, amounting to 3.9 billion euros, is planned (which will be supplemented by the request for the disbursement of the 500 million euros that are pending for the loans) provided that the 43 milestones and objectives are met. Based on the planning, the 7th request is planned to be submitted in the fall, amounting to 3.5 billion euros, which concerns both the grant component (1.7 billion euros) and the loan component (1.8 billion euros) provided that 35 milestones and objectives have been completed.
In 2024, the absorption rate of the Recovery Fund funds stood at 51%, with full achievement of the goals that had been set, a performance that ranks our country in eighth place in the EU. Of the 36 billion euros that is the total program, Greece has so far received 18.2 billion euros, corresponding to 51% of the total budget. If the funds associated with the 5th payment request are added, the total inflows will amount to 21.3 billion euros or 64% of the total resources attributable to our country.
In 2026, Greece will have to claim another 6.2 billion euros, through two tranches of grants totaling 5.2 billion euros and one tranche of loans of 1.2 billion euros. Specifically, at the beginning of 2026, the request for the 8th tranche for grants of 1.7 billion euros and loans of 1.27 billion euros should be submitted, having previously fulfilled 36 milestones and targets, while by the end of June next year it should submit the request for the 9th tranche for grants of 3.5 billion euros, which is linked to the achievement of 126 milestones and targets.
Just a few days ago, Declan Costello, Deputy Director-General of the Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, referred to Greece and noted that the country has significant European resources and the major challenge is their effective absorption. He added that debt servicing is at satisfactory levels, with no serious problems in sight. However, he raised the question of why, despite the overall progress, private investment has not increased significantly.
The list of reforms that must be fulfilled in order for Greece to proceed with the submission of the request for the payment of the 6th tranche from the Recovery Fund is long.
These are reforms related to energy, health and the operation of the State as well as the award of contracts for digitization projects, infrastructure and studies. These are interventions related to the strengthening of the autonomy of the Public Administration Authority, the operation of the Digital Health File and the Judicial Police as well as a series of contracts for projects related to road safety, the restoration of damage in Thessaly from the floods, the renovation of Health Centers and the upgrading of the country’s ports.