Η Ευρώπη απαντάει με αντιμέτρα στους δασμούς του Τραμπ
12 March 2025
Πυροπροστασία: Στα 40 εκατ. η χρηματοδότηση του υπουργείου Εσωτερικών στους δήμους – Αυξημένη κατά 28,6%
12 March 2025

Cosmetics: Growth in 2025 – Increased production and consumption

The cosmetics industry expects a growth rate of approximately 4% in 2025, as stated by the sector representatives at the Annual General Assembly of the Hellenic Cosmetic, Toiletry & Perfumery Association (PSVAK).

According to Ioanna Valaskopoulou, General Director of PSVAK, the industry is generally growing, despite the inflationary crisis of recent years.

However, the challenges for the sector are several. They concern the increased cost of living that affects consumption, since “price” has become the most influential purchasing factor, with consumers buying less than three years ago, as well as the regulatory framework that affects the operating costs of businesses and the consumer.

The value of domestic cosmetics production amounted to 438 million euros in 2023, recording an increase of 10.1%, of which the largest share of 40.4% concerned skin care products. In 2024, the value of production is estimated at 467 million euros, up 6.6%. Regarding consumption, the market value  amounted to 918 million euros in 2023, showing an increase of 11.7%, with skin care products holding a leading share of 52.1%.

The mass distribution channel achieved a 32% share and the pharmacy 20%. In 2024, cosmetics consumption reached 972 million euros, up 5.9%

Πηγή: https://www.naftemporiki.gr/english/1931767/cosmetics-growth-in-2025-increased-production-and-consumption/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cosmetics-growth-in-2025-increased-production-and-consumption

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